Monday, September 22, 2014

Evil Is Only Goodness Gone Bad - September 22nd

“Badness is only spoiled goodness.”
C.S. Lewis in The Case for Christianity

All that cool badness, all the revelry, going against the rules, breaking things and lives and standing against the authority.

All the rebels without a cause of the world are just people who's goodness has been spoiled.

That delicious evil we want to follow, is only goodness gone rotten.

The smell we so seek, are the fermented fumes of the dead and composing goodness in us.

The evil does not exist alone.

It is only the shadow and the absence of light.

The evil is only goodness gone bad.


  1. These quotes are really something to think about. I love that line, evil is only goodness gone bad. It's actually true.

  2. Yes, I agree, I read somewhere that evil is needed so that we learn to distinguish between good and bad, we see the stars only when the sky is dark.

  3. Distinguishing good and bad are a must to be carry out of our lives. Knowing both, tends to eliminate bad and retain the good.

  4. Deep but meaningful word! We live in a world where goodness is often over-shadowed or veiled even with badness. But to either live a good or bad life, it's a choice, even if the rotten past have some effects on the present.

  5. I believe everyone is filled with goodness and everyone deserves a fair chance in life, what you do with that chance is up to you. Nice thought provoking article. Stephen

  6. The only way for this world to exist in harmony is to experience both the good and the bad, the evil and the good. Only then can we be at peace with ourselves..

  7. I do not know why the bad gets more airtime on the news than the good. And this is sad reality. We should celebrate the good in everyone. - Fred

  8. When there's evil, there's goodness. Opposites in the world exist and one can't be without the other.

  9. This post got me thinking to get back to my other blog with the same genre as this. I love the photos and the quotes.

  10. evil is inside us and we are searching it outside, this is truth !!!

  11. Just like how Harry Potter will never need be the hero if Lord Voldemort hadn't tried to kill him or his parents. Good will not be good without the contrast of the bad. I like this new perspective of Evil is Goodness gone bad! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I guess the evil exists with the good. It's how we choose to make out of what life's gives us determines where we are meant to be.

  13. I can't agree more with the C.S. Lewis quote. Indeed, bad only stems from a corrupted good and can always be repaired with enough effort! :D

  14. let's focus more on what is positive and good...

  15. agree. i also believe that human are born good and evil are the results of those goodness gone bad.

  16. I believe though that being evil comes out from nice people who have been hurt before and so they have resorted to doing what everyone else is doing...evil.

  17. So true!~ Though we focus on the positive, but ppl always tend to see the negative first...

  18. I think you will get more arguments from philosophers regarding this quote. But for me, it's pretty accurate with what you see today.
