Monday, January 5, 2015

Faith Comes From Hearing the Message - Prayer Monday

God encourages us to bring our worship and praise, confessions, thanksgivings, intercessions, and petitions before Him, throughout the Bible.

As we pray more and grow in the prayer, it becomes clear that there is always more to learn.

How is it possible to have a more profound prayer life and relationship with God?

Through faith!

And how does one attain faith?

From hearing the message.

“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.”
Romans 10:17

To be able to pray, to be closer to God, and to know God better, we need to learn His words.

And those can be learnt through the message of Jesus and through His Word, the Bible.

“Dear God, let me hear your message and learn to love it. Allow me to enjoy your Word and hold it always in my heart. Let me hunger and thirst it so that I will continuously draw nearer to You. I want to know You, who You are. I need to hide in your love and be always part of You. Let You and Your Word be the center of my life. Amen!”

This message is part of the Prayer Monday series.


  1. Wonderful reminder. As part of my worship, I love to ask Jesus questions--Jesus where are we going together? How are we going to get there? What about me makes you smile? What gift do you have for me today? What gift can I give you today? I usually listen to worship music first, then ask him some questions and journal what I believe he wants me to know. There is nothing better than intimacy with Jesus. Thank you for the reminder to hunger and thirst for him!!

    1. I have been feeling the need for more of His word for some time now. And praying for more hunger. I actually asked for a Bible that I could write notes in (I live in Ecuador and it's impossible to find Finnish Bibles here) and He gave me four. It was actually quite funny but it shows how He wants to be close to us and wants us to hear His word.

  2. With every challenge, more of God's word has "stuck" in my memory and heart - and through His word, in my daily walk, in prayer - and talking to Him through the daily, remembering those words- my day is changed. "Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God" - so glad we are free to have it at our fingertips!

    1. It is amazing how many answers we can find from God's word. And how they come just the moment we need them. And how much He can console us through them. I'm also so thankful for having His word with me, all the time and freely!

  3. Thoughtful prayer. Gets right to the heart of the matter. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for linking up at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

    1. Thank you, Terri for the comment and for visiting my blog. I really loved to be part of the link-up!
