Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Double Blessing To Your Ministry - Thursday Devotionals

Charles Simeon could take a rebuke and grow from it.

This is utterly essential to survive and thrive as a Christian.

The ability to absorb and profit from criticism, from the Lord and from man.

“Through mercy I am, for ministerial service, stronger than I have been at any time this thirty years… preaching at seventy-six with all the exuberance of youth… but looking for my dismission (i.e. death) daily.”
Charles Simeon

He was not embittered by the rebuke from the Lord but he was impelled by it.

And it was the same with rebukes from men.

If these rebukes came from his enemies, he received them with the sentiment of James 1:2:

“If I suffer with a becoming spirit, my enemies, though unwittingly, must of necessity do me good.”
James 1:2

But his friends rebuked him as well.

How do you receive the rebukes?

Will you accept them gladly, so that even when they have been given with evil spirit, they will do good to you?

“It is God’s will that by doing good you put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.”
1 Peter 2:15

Simeon found ways to look at discouraging things hopefully.

When his congregation did not want to accept him as their vicar for over ten years, Simeon said…

“In this state of things I saw no remedy but faith and patience. The passage of Scripture which subdued and controlled my mind was this, “The servant of the Lord must no strive”. It was painful to see the church, with the exception of the aisles, almost forsaken; but I thought that if God would only give a double blessing to the congregation that did attend, there would on the whole be as much good done as if the congregation were doubled and the blessing limited only half the amount. This comforted me many, many times, when, without such reflection, I should have sunk under my burden.”
Charles Simeon

“And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
2 Timothy 2:24

“One illustration of the truth of Simeon’s confidence is the story of one of his preaching trips to Scotland. He happened to visit the home of a minister name Stewart who was not truly converted and was quite miserable. Through the personal life and witness of Simeon Mr. Stewart was transformed and for 15 years afterward was powerful for the gospel.

One of the couples who said later that they “owed their own selves” to the new preaching of Mr. Stewart were the parents of Alexander Duff. They brought up their son in the full faith of the gospel and with a special sense of dedication to the service of Christ. Duff, in turn, became one of the great Scottish missionaries to India for over fifty years.

So it is true that you never know when the Lord may give a double blessing to your ministry to a small number and multiply it thirty – sixty – or a hundredfold even after you are dead and gone.”
John Piper

This confidence is the Lord kept Simeon going more than once.

This post is part of Thursday Devotionals series. Right now it is going through the life, work and faith of Charles Simeon.

Would you like to read the first part, Are You Ready To Suffer For Christ?

You might also enjoy the second part of the series, Growing Downward.

I also recommend the thrird part for the children of this generation called, All Consuming Interest.

The fourth part is called, Peace Flowed In Rich Abundance.

If you have not yet read the fifth part , This Sweet Hope.

Take some time to read the sixth part also, Blessed Are The Peacemakers.

Hope you will enjoy reading the seventh part, A Double Blessing To Your Ministry.

Are you willing for, A Little Suffering For Christ's Sake.

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