Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Praise You In This Storm - Wednesday Worship

It’s Wednesday today and time to worship the Lord!

Worship is to reverently honor and give homage to God.

It is an adoring reverence that dedicate to God.

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you.

And we should be careful what we do with the best we have.

Whenever we get a blessing from God, we should give it back to Him as a love-gift.

Take time to meditate and pray before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.

Do you think of praising God only when things are going well or during times of blessing?

Many of us make this mistake.

We must learn that praise is appropriate during bad times, too.

We will never know the true power of praise until we learn its value in our trials.

This is post is part of Wednesday Worship series.


  1. Great reminder. I also love this Casting Crowns song. It has been very encouraging in my life to praise Him in the storms. : )

    1. It is encouraging, and also hard. That's why the reminders are good to have. Thank you for your visit, Cathy!

  2. This is one of my absolute favorite songs and I've found myself singing it as a prayer often!!

    1. It is such a perfect prayer, Carolyn! Thank you for the visit!

  3. Amen. So true! Thanks for sharing at #ThreeWordWednesday.

  4. We have gone through some pretty wild storms that happened simultaneously and right at the beginning we made a commitment to praise Him in the midst of them. It is a choice we needed sometimes to discipline ourselves to make but God met us and blessed us and turned some bad news into a testimony of healing.

    1. The biggest testimonies come from the life's wild storms, Jeannie. That's what's happened to me also. But they do hurt when they rage on.

  5. This is probably one of my favorite songs, ever. It's such a great message of worship even in the not so good times. Thank you for linking up at Women With Intention Wednesdays! Hope to see you this week!
