Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kindle In Your Heart The Sparkle Of Love - Thoughtful Tuesdays

It is the Thoughtful Tuesday today.

There are many people who have been close to God and have given us good thoughts to meditate on.

God's Word gives us many verses we need to pray about.

Today is dedicated to those thoughts, ideas, verses and words that make us think and make us want to be closer to God.

Here are today's thoughts!

We all long for heaven where God is, but we have it in our power to be in heaven with Him right now- to be happy with Him at this very moment.  But being happy with Him now means loving like He loves, helping like He helps, giving as He gives, serving as He serves, rescuing as He rescues, being with Him twenty-four hours a day- touching Him in His distressing disguise.

Mother Teresa

People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives.

Proverbs 16:2
The New Living Translation

Ja sitä minä rukoilen, että teidän rakkautenne tulisi yhä runsaammaksi tiedossa ja kaikessa käsittämisessä, voidaksenne tutkia, mikä paras on, että te Kristuksen päivään saakka olisitte puhtaat ettekä kenellekään loukkaukseksi, täynnä vanhurskauden hedelmää, jonka Jeesus Kristus saa aikaan, Jumalan kunniaksi ja ylistykseksi.

Fil. 1:9-11 KR33/38

This post is part of the Thoughtful Tuesdays series.


  1. I love the mother Theresa quote--absolutely beautiful

    1. It is beautiful but painful also. I'm always a bit scared of getting closer to God, because it means that I have to give up so much, let so much sin to be burnt away and even though I know that in the end everything will be so much better, much better I can even imagine, it still hurts.
