Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Friendship With God - Thoughtful Tuesdays

It is the Thoughtful Tuesday today.

There are many people who have been close to God and have given us good thoughts to meditate on.

God's Word gives us many verses we need to pray about.

Today is dedicated to those thoughts, ideas, verses and words that make us think and make us want to be closer to God.

Here are today's thoughts!

God expects more failure from us than we do from ourselves because God knows who we are.  We are not the righteous person who occasionally sins, we are the sinful person who occasionally- by God’s grace- gets it right.  When we start from this perspective we are released from the bondage of perfectionism and are able to forgive ourselves once and for all.  We are to take our cue from him.  We may be disappointed with ourselves but God is not.  We may feel like condemning ourselves, but God does not.
James Bryan Smith

our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction.
1 Thessalonians 1:5
The New International Version

Herra vahvistaa sen miehen askeleet, jonka tie hänelle kelpaa. Jos hän lankeaa, ei hän maahan sorru, sillä Herra tukee hänen kättänsä.
Ps. 37:23-24 KR33/38

This post is part of the Thoughtful Tuesdays series.


  1. What a nice message you are projecting with this post. thank you for the inspiration.

  2. "God knows who we are." That's comforting to me, that he knows me and love me anyway! Thanks for sharing these words and verses.
