Monday, October 13, 2014

To Be Truly Me - October 13th

By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.
Desiderius Erasmus

We were made in image of God.

Part of His divine nature.

We have the thumbprint of Jesus in our souls.

Who we are, is in relationship to Him.

Connected to Him, we can be truly who we are.

Without Him, we will always be incomplete.

Lost, not found, without reason, not knowing which way to choose.

To be truly me, is to have God in me.


  1. You chose beautiful flowers for this post. Very appropriate.

  2. You are so right! Inner beauty is what counts the most.

  3. I have so learned the importance of not missing my time with God. What beautiful confirmation of that here!

  4. Lovely photos! The flowers are gorgeous and the quote is perfect.

  5. Beautiful words, and that flower at the bottom is gorgeous!

  6. Thanks for the uplifting words! It's always a pleasure to stop by your site :)
