When the world and
the Universe came to exist, it was all creation of an Intelligent Designer.
When we look around
us, we have to concede that His abilities are amazing.
To be the Creator, He
must be the source of all that exists.
And this must include
earth, space, life, time and consciousness.
Everything and
anything that there is.
In the world as it He
originally created it, there was no conflict between what is and what ought to
The people who lived in
the world enjoyed a world in which everything occurred in complete harmony with
itself as it was supposed to be.
That is where our
desire for such a world comes from that I talked about in the last post.
What occurred to
cause the disharmony?
We did it, the
We caused the perfect
creation to fail.
We asked for it.
The perfect creation
included perfect people with perfect free will.
Their free will
allowed the first people to choose something other than what ought to be.
How could the people
choose something that did not exist?
They were given a
simple prohibition, not to do something, and at the same time they had the free
will, the ability to choose what they wanted to do.
And so, suddenly, the
ability to disobey emerged.
And the people were
told that if they would do what they were not to do, there would be a fall from
the reality.
The cosmos, the world
around us, would no longer be as it ought.
But it would veer
away from perfection and descend into an alternative reality.
One that could never
retain its original perfection.
The people would
enter in a world of death, decay and chaos, profaning the original plan.
When they disobeyed
anyway, from that moment on, all humanity has become aware of the difference
between is and ought.
The first people did
not know the agony of what existed on the other side of that decision.
But their failure was
still a statement to the Creator that His guidance and wisdom were no longer
needed or wanted.