Four months ago I left my home of more than three
A home that we had made together with my
It was hard, he missed his dad, it was a
new place, new school, new friends.
And for me it was a new place, new people
to work with, new climate everything was new.
But we made our home and we were blessed.
Then our financial support ended, we had
to end the work I was doing and we had to leave our home.
It was an end and a new beginning.
A beginning we weren't so happy about.
My husband asked me to move back to our
home, he told me he was sorry.
So we decided to risk it all and go back.
There has been many days when my son has
said he wishes to be back in our home, with his friends, in his old school.
When he didn't wish to be with his dad
When he would say he was happier when
there were just the two of us.
There has been many moments I have missed
my work.
So many moments when I have missed the
wonderful people I was able to work with.
The warm and loving, funny Kichwa people
who opened their jungle villages, homes and families to me.
And now I'm here in the cold Andes.
Not knowing what God has planned for me.
Just clinging on the hope that there is a
That something will happen.
That this not-doing, not-working,
not-having friends, almost not-having God with me isn't the all.
I cling on to the hope that God is with
me, where ever I may go.
But is God with me when I'm sad and alone?
I am jobless, and I feel homeless.
Like this house where I'm currently living
in belongs to someone else and I'm just a visitor.
My only work is being a mother and a wife,
and it feels so strange after so many years of having a job of my own.
Of feeling that I was doing something for
God and for other people.
I don't know myself anymore.
And it makes me feel so sad and alone.
The few familiar things left to me are my
Bible and my books.
Not even a church where I could go to.
And I haven't been able to find a living,
breathing God on those pages.
I felt that not even my prayers have
really been lifted to the heaven but they have stayed.
Heavily hanging over the earth and my
I have felt so sad and alone.
Abandoned by everyone else.
Until I finally had the courage to look in
the eyes of the pastor.
And there was joy and hope.
There was a person who saw my worth.
A person who was excited to have me in his
Who was delighted that I would be there to
help our in our work.
Who knew that there was a plan for me.
Who told me that God had made me a place.
Here in this cold town that felt so
indifferent to me.
Where was God when I was sad and alone?
Preparing the place for me.
Making sure I would find the right people.
That I would fall into the place He had
meant for me all the time.
That I would be doing the work He wanted
me to do.
Not what I imagined would be the best use
of my talent.
Not with the people I imagined would need
But in a place, in a time and in a way
that He had prepared for me.