Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bring The Rain - Wednesday Worship

It’s Wednesday today and time to worship the Lord!

Worship is to reverently honor and give homage to God.

It is an adoring reverence that dedicate to God.

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you.

And we should be careful what we do with the best we have.

Whenever we get a blessing from God, we should give it back to Him as a love-gift.

Take time to meditate and pray before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship.

King Jehoshaphat had the right attitude when a "vast army" was coming against him and his people in Second Chronicles 20.

He knew the odds were stacked against him, and there was no apparent way out of his trouble.

He turned to the Lord and told Him, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." (2 Chronicles 20:12).

We don’t need to know HOW the Lord would deliver us-only that He will.

Along with this realization will come the peace, joy, and reassurance.

This is post is part of Wednesday Worship series.

1 comment:

  1. Love that Mercy Me song. Great post! Blessed to be your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday.
