Saturday, November 30, 2013

I have sinned

must confess. I have sinned, I have sinned gravely agains God, against my neighbor and against myself.

I fallen in the sin of anger. I have called a coworker in anger and yelled him and treat him in a rash manner.

I have fallen in the sin of pride. I have thought myself above my coworkers, more intelligent than them, better and more worthy of praise and success.

I have fallen in the sin of vengeful thinking. I have had hateful thoughts against my husband who has cheated me. I have wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. Take away something important from him, like he took away his love from me.

I have fallen in the sin of injustice. I have judged someone unjustly and found her wanting. I have treated her with unfairness and used my position against her.

I have fallen in the sin of rumor spreading. I have spread information that I should not have trusted to other people and that has been used against the very people I talked about of.

I have fallen in the sin of uncharity. I have made my heart hard against another persons plight and have not helped her when he needed my help. I have rejoiced when he failed and used it against him as a proof that he is not as good as I am.

I have fallen in the sin of ungenerosity. I have not shared my wealth with others like I should but I have kept it for my own enjoyment.

I have fallen in the sin of excess of prudence. Instead of doing what God had urged me to do I have waited unsure if this really is a good moment to act. And thus I have lost the blessing God had ready for me.

I have fallen in the sin of intemperance. I have delighted myself in the gluttony and overspent my money without a thought for the needs of the rest of the month and my household.

I have fallen in the sin of freight and have been found wanting of fortitude. I have not had the courage to stand true to my beliefs every moments and bring forth the Kingdom of Heaven like Jesus instructed us to do.

I have fallen in the sin of unforgiveness. I have not forgiven the offenses against me but I have hidden them like treasures to admire them and to be able to feel pride and give judgement against the people who hurt me.

I have fallen in the sin of unfaithfulness, loosing my faith in God and His ability to change me and make me a better person.

I have fallen in the sin of contempt, despising a fellow man and thus falling a second time I the sin of self conceit, seeing myself as a person of great virtue, a model for others to follow. A true Christian role model.

I have fallen in the sin of jealousy, thinking that the part that other people play in the life is better than mine. That others have gotten more than I have and that I have not gotten my fair share.

I have fallen in the sin of greed, wanting and lusting after other people's property. Wishing that it were mine.

I have fallen in the sin of unhopefullness. I have thought that there is no opportunity for me, that I will never be able to chance, that I will never be a good person. And thus I have twice lay sinned because I wallowed in the self pity.

I confess my sins and I ask forgiveness. I ask to be washed in the blood of the Lamb, to be purified again in the sacrifice of our Savior, to be allowed to be part of His herd again, begotten to be His daughter in eternity.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thought for today


Lähellä on Herra niitä, joilla on särjetty sydän, ja hän pelastaa ne, joilla on murtunut mieli. Monta on vanhurskaalla kärsimystä, mutta Herra vapahtaa hänet niistä kaikista.
Ps. 34:19-20 KR33/38

Herra on lähellä niitä, joilla on särkynyt sydän,
hän pelastaa ne, joilla on murtunut mieli.
Monet vaivat kohtaavat vanhurskasta,
mutta kaikista niistä Herra hänet vapauttaa. 

Ps. 34:19-120 KR92
Rakas Jumala, ole meitä lähellä kärsimyksessä. Anna minun tuntea läsnäolosi pyhyys tuskan keskellä. Monella meistä on särjetty sydän, toisten ihmisten ja elämän hajoittama. Liian monella on murtunut mieli, enää ei ole toivoa elämässä. Liian moni harjailee vailla selkeää suuntaa. Ota meitä kädestä kiinni, ohjaa uuteen elämään, anna meidän astua kanssasi seikkailuun. Anna löytää suunta, toivo ja tulevaisuus, luottamuus siihen että sinä ohjaat. Aina, jokaikinen hetki, aamen.

Oración Diaria

Estén siempre contentos. Oren en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús. 1 Tesalonicenses 5:16–18

Querido Padre en el cielo, gracias porque podemos sentir tu dirección y señorío, porque en Cristo tú nos has bendecido con todo don celestial y espiritual. Te damos gracias por poder estar entre aquellos que reciben siempre nueva vida verdadera, entre quienes te alaban y glorifican; triunfantes aun en los días difíciles. Porque es justamente en los días difíciles que necesitamos estar entre los agradecidos y alegres, entre quienes siempre encuentran nueva certeza en sus vidas. Que con ellos experimentemos el bien que tú das en la tierra para que la humanidad sea bendecida y por fin torne a tu dominio. Amén.


Johdata minua totuutesi tiellä ja opeta minua, sillä sinä olet minun pelastukseni Jumala. Sinua minä odotan kaiken päivää.
Ps. 25:5 KR33/38

Ohjaa minut totuuteesi ja opeta minua, sinä Jumalani, auttajani! Sinuun minä luotan aina.
Ps. 25:5 KR92

Herra, opasta minua etten minä eksyisi. Niin monesti tahdon tehdä asioita jotka eivät ole minulle hyväksi. Toivon saavani itselleni jotakin joka vahingoittaisi minua. On niin vaikea ymmärtää että sinun sääntösi ovat minun parhaakseni.
Johdata minua totuutesi tiellä, ohjaa minua siihen mikä on oikeaa. Opeta minua, sillä sinä olet minun pelastukseni ja auttajani. Minä odotan sinua ja luotan sinuun, ilman sinua en voi mitään.
Rakas Jumala, vaikka olen itsepäinen ja satutan itseäni yhä uudelleen, annathan minulle anteeksi. En voi muuttua tahtomatta ja en voi tahtoa jos et muuta minua. Tarvitsen sinua voidakseni kulkea totuudessa ja pystyäkseni oppimaan sinulta, aamen.


Älkäämme siis nukkuko niinkuin muut, vaan valvokaamme ja olkaamme raittiit.
1. Tess. 5:6 KR33/38

Emme siis saa nukkua niin kuin muut, vaan meidän on valvottava ja pysyttävä raittiina.
1. Tess. 5:6 KR92

Rakas Jumala, anna minun odottaa sinua innokkain sydämin. Anna minun valvoa rukouksessa sinun edessäsi ja etsiä sinua joka hetkellä. Tee elämästäni rukous sinulle, niin että jokapäiväisten askereiden keskellä voisin ylistää ja palvoa sinun suuruuttasi ja tuoda elämääni ja sen tarpeita eteesi. Anna minun jatkuvasti tuoda toisia ihmisiä eteesi ja rukoilla heidän pelastumisensa ja hyvinvointinsa puolesta. Ja jos en itse jaksa pysyä hereillä, anna minulle voimaasi ja lepoasi, jotta voisin joka hetki jaksaa, sinuun turvaten. Aamen

Oración Diaria

Si voy otra vez a visitarlos, no voy a tenerles consideración, ya que ustedes están buscando una prueba de que Cristo habla por mí. Y Cristo no es débil en su trato con ustedes, sino que muestra su fuerza entre ustedes. Es cierto que fue crucificado como débil, pero vive por el poder de Dios. De la misma manera, nosotros participamos de su debilidad, pero unidos a él viviremos por el poder de Dios para servirles a ustedes. 2 Corintios 13:2b–4

Señor y Dios nuestro, gracias por el amor que tú nos muestras para salvarnos de la debilidad y la enfermedad, del pecado y la miseria, y que nos sea dada la fuerza para servirte, Padre nuestro en los cielos. Bendícenos en todo lo que hay en nuestro corazón, que por medio de tu misericordia luchemos aceptablemente la batalla de la vida. Bendícenos en estos tiempos y permite que la justicia tome la delantera y vivamos en paz, alabándote para toda la eternidad. Protege a nosotros tus niños para siempre. Honrado sea tu nombre; que venga tu reino y se haga tu voluntad en la tierra así como en el cielo. Amén.

Though for today


Heitä työsi Herran haltuun, niin sinun hankkeesi menestyvät.
Sananl. 16:3 KR33/38

Rakas Jumala, anna tämänpäiväisen työni korottaa sinun nimeäsi. Anna minun toteuttaa tehtäväni oikeudenmukaisesti ja armollisesti, rakastaen lähimmäistä niin kuin sinä olet kutsunut minut tekemään. Anna työni heijastaa sinua toisten elämään, anna minun olla rehellinen ja hyvä ystävä työtovereilleni. Anna minun olla hyvä alainen tai esimies, jos se on tehtäväni. Anna minun kaikessa muistaa sinun käskysi ja että työni tulee sinulta. Jos työstäni maksetaan, anna sen olla oikeudenmukainen palkka jolla voin rauhassa elää. Jos työstäni ei makseta palkkaa, anna palkkioni tulla suoraan sinulta, aamen.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians, New International Version (NIV)
In America today is Thanksgiving Day. It's not my tradition but I can clearly see in the Bible that thanksgiving is something all of us Christians should do.

I wanted to dedicate this post to giving thanks. But in reality, for a long time, I have wanted to dedicate my life to giving thanks to God.

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
There are so many reasons why I just wouldn't be here, not be me, if it weren't for God and His divine intervention.

So many reasons why I wouldn't want to be here without God and His love.
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3, New International Version (NIV)
For some time allready I have wanted to make my life a beautiful sacrifice for Him.

Live my life for Him, in everything and everywhere, every moment of time.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
Psalm 107:8
To be able to say, it is not me but God, who works through me.

It is not for my own praise but always to exalt Him.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4,New International Version (NIV)
I may not be able to do incredible deeds, but the deeds I do. I want to dedicate to His glory.

It is hard and painful. How many times have I cried and felt I can't do it anymore.

But the most marvelous thing ever is to feel God on my side. To know He's there, no matter what happens, He will take care of it.

This also will pass.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1-3
New International Version (NIV)
It is not that I want to live for God. It is not that I need to live for God. It is that I cannot not do it.

There is nothing for me, if it is not with Him.
28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our “God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12, New International Version (NIV)

There is no new day, there is no morning. There is no nights rest and no sleep after tiring day.

For me, without Him, there is nothing.

And for this, for ever, I give thanks for Him.
I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High.
Psalm 7:17

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Niin minä Jumalan armahtavan laupeuden kautta kehoitan teitä, veljet, antamaan ruumiinne eläväksi, pyhäksi, Jumalalle otolliseksi uhriksi; tämä on teidän järjellinen jumalanpalveluksenne.
Room. 12:1 KR33/38

Herra ota minut kokonaan, kaikki omaksesi. Anna kaiken minussa tuottaa sinulle kunniaa ja ylistystä. Anna minun heijastaa sinua muiden ihmisten nähtäväksi. Anna sen olla sinä, ei minä, joka saa kaiken aikaan, aamen.


Teidätkin, jotka ennen olitte vieraantuneet ja mieleltänne hänen vihamiehiänsä pahoissa teoissanne, hän nyt on sovittanut Poikansa lihan ruumiissa kuoleman kautta, asettaakseen teidät pyhinä ja nuhteettomina ja moitteettomina eteensä.
Kol. 1:21-22 KR33/38

Kiitos Herra että antanut meille kaikille syntimme anteeksi. Kiitos että vaikka emme sinua rakastaneet ja jopa halveksuimme sinua ja sinun omiasi, silti otat meidät vastaan omiksi lapsiksesi. Kiitos että et ole ylpeä vaan kelpaamme sinulle, sellaisina kuin olemme. Kiitos että sinun edessäsi meidän ei tarvitse esittää tai suorittaa vaan armosi on ylenpalttinen ja riittää aina. Kiitos että olet pyhittänyt meidät ja pessyt puhtaaksi, niin ettei meissä ole mitään moitittavaa, sinun ansiostasi. Aamen

Thought for today

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seeking Communion (Or Why I don't want to enter a convent)

Liv Migenes writes in her blog Writings from a Faithful Doubter of her yearning for solitud to better hear God's voice. She writes "I yearn to live biblically. Not the "no-make-up, no-earrings," Christianity but a Christ-mirroring Christianity. I long to go away and shed the confusing, restrictive bindings of this world and even of this religion".

I can see why it is so enticing. I think all of us Christians feel this call for solitud, time alone with God. It is an esential part of our journey as a Christian. We need to spend time with God. It is a thirst, a healthy apetite, hunger that needs to satiated.

But at the same time the hunger is turned into something else. Just like we thirst for water and find ourselves drinking a soda, or hunger for a good meal and start eating a hamburger with fries. Our healthy hunger for God, thirst for the living water that is Jesus, is thwarted, confounded by smoke and mirrors.

And the smoke and mirrors here is the convent.

Migenes continues "There are times like today that I wish I could enter a convent. I think part of me would be happy. At least in what I imagine convent life to be. Detached to the cares of the world and yet attached to fellowship. Simple living with hours devoted to worship and prayer. Disconnected yet connected".
I admire her way to describe a yearning that I feel. This is it, my heart sings. I want to detach myself from the world and attatch myself to something more worthy. Devote my life to worship and prayer. I want to enter a convent also!

I haven't got a lot of experience of convents. Just the fact that I live in a country with long history with Catholicism that is filled with convents and monasteries. I know intelectually what a convent means. I know that there are different orders that dedicate themselves to different things. I know about Mother Theresa and her work. I even have entered to a monastery, at least to their museum and I have many times walked pass monasteries and convents. But I have not really experienced a convent. I only have a mental image of one.

And I think that is where the smoke and mirrors come. I imagine the convent as something dedicated to contemplation of God's word. A place where I can dedicate myself solely to seeking Jesus and His will. But is that really the truth?
A friend of mine told me once that she wanted to be a nun. She was raised in a very Catholic home, went to a Catholic all girls' school that was run by nuns and she thought that life of a nun must be wonderful. Just reading Bible, spending time in the church, contemplating the glory of Jesus, the saints, the miracles and Virgen Mary.

Then she had a long and sincere conversation with a nun, as an adult. And that conversation changed her. She told me that she never thought that nuns cared about things like that. That they would bicker, that there would be lazy nuns, that they would care about "mundane" things, that they would be just normal people!

So, our first mirage, the smoke and mirrors, is that convent is really just a community of people, humans like us. Most of the nuns and monks aren't saints, more than any other Christian trying to fulfill God's will.

But more serious for me is the ultimite lie, the real show of smoke and mirrors that occurs to us.
Most of the Christians never enter to live in a convent or a monastery. Not even Catholics or other Christian religions that have convents and monasteries. But especially evangelic Christians who don't have them.

Why then this need for a convent? One reason, in my opinion, is what Migenes herself states "That cozy convent that I'm ready to run to is just a way for me to avoid what seems impossibly overwhelming".

The convent seems an easy option, escape from the reality. Somewhere perfect, almost like heaven, just dedicated to God.

But for me that is just more smoke and mirrors to cover the original smoke and mirrors. The ultimite lie is that we need a special place to contemplate God. That we can't do it in our busy everyday lives. That we can't make our own homes a place of worship but we need to go somewhere special to do it, be someone special.
 A lie that makes it OK that I don't pray every day. That I forgot to read Bible today. That I didn't follow the ten commands. After all, I live in the fallen world. I'm not perfect. It's not like I lived in a convent and could dedicate all my time to just contemplate God's glory.

This makes me admire Migenes even more. Because she isn't fooled by the lie. She sees beyond the smoke and the mirrors. She recognizes her real hunger and thirst "The imagined convent becomes be my prayer closet - a reverent place where I meet with God and I am intimately sustained by His love. A time to lift up those in my "world" who are drowning in the darkness and can't call out for help. A time to remember that greater is He who is in me then he that is in the world. A time to draw nearer to the holy fire of His presence where my light burns brightly".

I want to dedicate a closet in my house for prayer... But I need a bigger closet...

Smoke and mirrors!

I want to dedicate myself to God, now, here, everywhere, every moment!

The post by Liv Migenes is called "Seeking Solitude (Or Why I Want To Enter a Convent)". You can find the original posting here.

God is...

Fire.  God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and scholars.  Certainty.  Certainty.  Feeling.  Joy.  Peace.
Blaise Pascal, written on a sheet of paper and sewed into his jacket.

Sometimes God is too big for us to be put into words. Sometimes we can only sense Him and feel His precense.

God is our Holy Fire. He is the God of Patriarcs,  Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God of erring humans, not the God of philosophers and scholars. We can talk about God, we can make philosophies about Him but most of all, He is God, unexplainable, beyond our understanding.

All we can have is certainty of His nearness and existence, the feeling, joy and peace He gives us.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Ja jos yhden ihmisen lankeemuksen tähden kuolema on hallinnut yhden kautta, niin paljoa enemmän ne, jotka saavat armon ja vanhurskauden lahjan runsauden, tulevat elämässä hallitsemaan yhden, Jeesuksen Kristuksen, kautta. -.
Room. 5:17 KR33/38

Kiitos Herra että sinun syntymäsi kautta saimme armon ja vanhurskauden, ilmaisen vapautuksen syntimme velasta. Kiitos että elämämme täytyy sinun runsaudestasi ja ilostasi. Kiitos että saamme olla rinnallasi kun yhtenä päivä hallitset koko maailmankaikkeutta. Mutta kaikkein eniten kiitos siitä että tänä päivänä hallitset minun elämääni ja saan seistä joka päivä elämäni ajan rinnallasi, aamen.

Thought for today

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Totisesti minä sanon teille: jos joku sanoisi tälle vuorelle: 'Kohoa ja heittäydy mereen', eikä epäilisi sydämessään, vaan uskoisi sen tapahtuvan, minkä hän sanoo, niin se hänelle tapahtuisi. Sentähden minä sanon teille: kaikki, mitä te rukoilette ja anotte, uskokaa saaneenne, niin se on teille tuleva.
Mark. 11:23-24 KR33/38

Rakas Jeesus, kiitos siitä että kuuntelet meidän rukouksemme aina ja joka hetki. Kiitos että olet meidän rinnallamme ja annat meille sinun huomiosi joka hetki. Kiitos että voin luottaa siihen että aina vastaat rukouksiini. Anna minulle usko joka on niin vahva että voi siirtää vuoria. Mutta ennen kaikkea anna minulle sinun tahtosi ja viisautesi jotta voisin pyytää asioita jotka ovat sinun tahtosi mukaisia, aamen.


Lähellä on Herra niitä, joilla on särjetty sydän, ja hän pelastaa ne, joilla on murtunut mieli. Monta on vanhurskaalla kärsimystä, mutta Herra vapahtaa hänet niistä kaikista.
Ps. 34:18-19 KR33/38

Rakas Jumala, ole meitä lähellä kärsimyksessä. Anna minun tuntea läsnäolosi pyhyys tuskan keskellä. Monella meistä on särjetty sydän, toisten ihmisten ja elämän hajoittama. Liian monella on murtunut mieli, enää ei ole toivoa elämässä. Liian moni harjailee vailla selkeää suuntaa. Ota meitä kädestä kiinni, ohjaa uuteen elämään, anna meidän astua kanssasi seikkailuun. Anna löytää suunta, toivo ja tulevaisuus, luottamuus siihen että sinä ohjaat. Aina, jokaikinen hetki, aamen.

There are no accidents - C. S. Lewis

“'Don't you mind him,' said Puddleglum. 'There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan.'“      C.S. Lewis in The Silver Chair
Yesterday marked 50 years since the death of Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963), commonly called C. S. Lewis, creator of Narnia-series among other titles.

Narnia was for me, as for countless number of other children, a huge discovery when I was a child. A fantasy world where children were taken seriously and could go adventuring and do important things that mattered.

It was another huge discovery when, as an adolescent, I found out that C. S. Lewis was actually a Christian, a beliver, just like me. And Aslan was Narnia's Jesus who died for them.

It was incredible to find an interesting Christian author, someone witty, who had his own voice and ideas.

As a youth I read the Screwtape Letters and Science Fiction series. But I always returned to Narnia and it's magical world.

For me Narnia and Lewis were a big part of the reason I wanted to write books, like to many other authors amongst who are very many great authors of our time.

I find in my heart a need to explore my own worlds, create my own fantasy, fight my own battles and live my own adventure.

As an adult I have grown to love the books even more. And I have found Lewis again as a Christian author, an acknowledged apologetic writer.

I have been watching the movies with my son (athough they really aren't as good as the books) and reading the books to my son.
“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair 

But why would a children's author matter to me? Why would he keep intriguing me, even thought I'm an adult? In what way could he be relevant to my growth as an adult Christian?

Here again Lewis comes to my rescue, as he says: “'Don't you mind him,' said Puddleglum. 'There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan.'“ C.S. Lewis in The Silver Chair. One of my most beloved characters from the books, an oddly positively pessimistic marswiggle Puddleglum.
When I was a child I didn't really like Silver Chair, I found it weird and disturbing. Puddleglum was just uncomprehensive for me, he said to be an optimist but he behaved like a pessimist but then he would be an optimist.

"Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair
At an age when you wanted the things to be safe and one thing and not another, it was just too hard to comprehend. Now I have grown to love the book and especially Puddleglum. I think he is right. I shouldn't mind what my reasoning says or the world or other people. Since Jesus is my guide, there are no accidents. There is a reason for me to keep dwelling in these children's books.

I think there are bigger thruths hidden here than what meets the eye at the beginning. C. S. Lewis writes in The Silver Chair, "Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one.”― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair.

And I have found this the perfect explanation for my yearning for Heaven. Suppose we just made God up, suppose we invented Heaven. Then this made-up world really seems more important to me than the one we live in. This world just doesn't fill my yearning like Heaven and God do.
We shouldn't let ourselves to be fooled by supposed "childishness" of Narnia books.
 Hidden among the adventure there are gems for the Christian heart, mind and soul. When I try to explain why we seek God, why we have such a yearning for Him and why we find Him and others do not. What does Lewis say about it:“You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.”― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair.

For those who were deprived of this joyful experience as child, Aslan is a lion, or The Lion, Jesus of Narnia.

I have learned many things from Narnia. I'm a very independant person, too much so even. And it is hard for me to take advice from someone else. Even from God, I'm sad to admit. So life has been hard for me. I have fought and I have cried. But, again, in Lewis' words: Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair.

And Narnia books have been there to help me to decide what it is that I will do.

Just in case someone is thinking that I read C. S. Lewis and Narnia like Bible, this isn't so. Bible is much more important than any other book and so is reading it much more important than reading any other book. There just isn't anything like it in the whole world.

“I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia.”-- C.S. Lewis in The Silver Chair
 But you must admit that Bible isn't easy to understand. Especially for a child. And this is why good Christian children's literature is so important. There are so many things I have been able to lean on to in Narnia.

When I was teased and bantered in Jr High School and High School because of my Christianity I could say like Lewis: “I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia.”-- C.S. Lewis in The Silver Chair.
“I daren't come and drink," said Jill.
Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion.
Oh dear!" said Jill, coming another step nearer.
"I suppose I must go and look for another stream then."
There is no other stream," said the Lion.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair 

There was something in my heart that said, no matter the hurt, no matter the words, no matter what they say, I know my God exists, I know He loves me and even if it's just a dream and they don't understand it and believe it, it is such a magnificent dream that I will keep believing it. Because without it there is no reason to live on.

There are many gems in Narnia books where Lewis has gone his way to explain us, the children, what the Bible and Jesus meant.

There is a place in Silver Chair where the main characters find themselves underground with nothing to drink, hot and thirsty. And then Jill, a girl, just like me, finds herself in front of a stream and a lion.

People like me who had read the other books knew, of course, that the lion was Aslan. And he would never hurt Jill. But this was her first time in Narnia and the first time she met Aslan. So, she couldn't know this.

Outside the conversation seems pretty normal. “I daren't come and drink," said Jill. Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion. Oh dear!" said Jill, coming another step nearer. "I suppose I must go and look for another stream then." There is no other stream," said the Lion.”― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair.

A girl looking for something to drink in a cave and the lion tells her that there is no other stream around. But as a Christian you know that this isn't all. Aslan is the stream, like Jesus is the living water. There is no other water that will take your thirst away.

It has been 50 years since C. S. Lewis passed away but his books still live among us. He still has many things to say to us and those things are as current as when he lived. I thank him for reflecting God's glory and letting me peak at it when I needed it.

“You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you," said the Lion.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair
If you enjoyed this post about C. S. Lewis's work, you might also like another post about his Narnia books, here.

Haven't read the books yet but would love to? Or you would like to refresh your memory?
Amazon has the books in an amazing price.

 You can get the movie, too. At a very comfortable price.

I also recomend C. S. Lewis's more adult work.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oración Diaria

Pero llega la hora, y es ahora mismo, cuando los que de veras adoran al Padre lo harán de un modo verdadero, conforme al Espíritu de Dios. Pues el Padre quiere que así lo hagan los que lo adoran. Dios es Espíritu, y los que lo adoran deben hacerlo de un modo verdadero, conforme al Espíritu de Dios. Juan 4:23–24
Señor, Dios nuestro, gracias por estar entre nosotros como padre y dejarnos ser tus hijos en la tierra. Te damos gracias porque como tus hijos, podemos encontrar la vida en espíritu y en verdad. Permite que cada uno de nosotros encuentre cómo se puede elevar nuestra vida en la tierra por medio de tu Espíritu, pues él nos puede dar lo que nosotros los humanos no poseemos, tanto que nuestro trabajo diario, toda nuestra lucha y sacrificio por las cosas exteriores de la vida; sean impregnadas de lo más alto y grande. Tu Espíritu nos puede cuidar de caer en caminos vulgares y superficiales y de perdernos en experiencias mundanas efímeras, sin importar cuánto cautivan nuestra atención. Gracias por todo lo que tú has hecho por tus hijos. Continúa ayudándonos, para servirte cada día con alegría y gratitud. Amén.


Totisesti minä sanon teille: kaikki, minkä te sidotte maan päällä, on oleva sidottu taivaassa, ja kaikki, minkä te päästätte maan päällä, on oleva päästetty taivaassa.
Matt. 18:18 KR33/38
Rakas Jeesus sido julmuus ja pahuus, epäoikeudenmukaisuus ja riisto. Sido viha ja sota, kaikki tuho ja tuska. Anna meille vapaus ja ilo elämässä. Seikkalu sinun rinnallasi, aamen.

Thought of the day

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Humble yourselves

“If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.” ― Corrie Ten Boom
Lately I have been visiting schools and evaluating the special education teachers that are in our program. The schools are in the rural area, people are very poor, there aren't many possibilities. Our students didn't have the oportunity to attend a school before the program because of their disabilities.

Supposedly this should be a wonderful opportunity to see how their lives have been improved by everything we have done. When I visit the schools I have the security that I am making an impact in people's lives, I'm doing what God called me to do.

And then I come across a school where the best thing I can say is that the teacher won't be there for a long time anymore. No, it's not that the teacher has been abusing or mistreating the students. The teachers just haven't been doing what she was supposed. She/he hasn't even been there to do it. Or when she/he has been she's been too busy to attend the students. Or she/he just hasn't been interested in teaching. Or she/he thinks that these students won't learn anything anyways, they are impossible to teach, everything is just a waste of time.
So, what should I do?

1 Peter 5:6 - “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”
Give up? Scream? Demand the district to fire the teacher? Hit him/her? Cry? Insult him/her? Just go home and try harder?

What if it isn't me? What if I have done EVERYTHING that is humanely possible? What if there is NOTHING more for me to do?

For me here is an important lesson, because “If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.” ― Corrie Ten Boom. Even when everything seems impossible and all my hopes are frustrated, it's not true. I just have been looking in the wrong direction.
But looking at the right direction isn't all that I need. In everything I do, there is an I. There I am, proud and vain, for everything that "I" do. Is this really about me? Am I the saviour here? Did I come here to change the lives of these people?

It is so easy to make everything about me, to exalt myself. After all, who is doing all the work?
Philippians 3:13: “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Well, who is doing all the work? Think about it...

Maybe I should sit down and think this over. What does the Bible say? In 1 Peter 5:6 - “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”

It's so easy to be proud and think that I am better than other people.

So, it's same old same old... Fighting with the pride. I definedly am not doing what I want. How am I ever supposed to be free of sin?

At least I'm not alone, at least there is hope for me. In Paul's words Philippians 3:13: “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

What if God were like me? Ready to give up and scream? Just waiting for a chance to say, Oh! She's not worth it! Why in earth did I let my son to die for HER?! The best thing here is that she'll die soon and then I won't have to see her EVER again!
“Nothing is yet in its true form.”-- C.S. Lewis in Till We Have Faces
I know I'm not worth being saved. I wouldn't be here without God's mercy and infinite compassion. I need His forgiveness every day of my life. But I'm ready to throw other people overboard, because they aren't worth it. They aren't trying hard enough. They aren't intelligent enough. They aren't working for it.

My life was given me for free. In John Newton's words: "Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see".

How many times I thank God for saving me and then turn around to stab my neighbour in the back.

Sadly, I still am blind and can't see the people around me for who they really are, Children of Powerfull King, Descendants of Eternal Sovereign, Heirs to the Ruler Over Us All.

I really need to remember C. S. Lewis' words: "Nothing is yet in its true form". The way I see people around me isn't who they really are.
“God is honored by large, difficult, and impossible requests when we ask, seek, knock, and trust our loving Father always to answer for our good.” - Charles F. Stanley
So, I must return to where I begun. I need to fasten my eyes to God and wait for Him. I need to be sure in His promises.

After all “God is honored by large, difficult, and impossible requests when we ask, seek, knock, and trust our loving Father always to answer for our good.” - Charles F. Stanley

Friday, November 15, 2013

God is rebuilding you

When my son was just a baby I used to worry what would happen to him and who he would be when he would grow up.

Now he's 9 years old and I worry even more.

It is hard to be a parent. You want everything that is good for your child.

You want to give all to him, make his life easier. You don't want your child to suffer.

“Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:
- I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
- I shall fear only God.
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
- I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

But at the same time you know that he needs to do thing by himself to learn. Get hurt so he will be able to handle life's real suffering when he is an adult.

What ever you do, either let him get hurt, protect him, help him, let him do it by himself and, eventually, even fail, you feel guilt.

Because you can never know if you did the right thing.

“Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?”
― John Keats, Letters of John Keats

Maybe... If... What if... Should I...

How many doubts can a person have?

It seems that if you are a parent, there really isn't end in sight for the doubting.

Ephesians 3:20: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,”
Luckily there is one thing I can be sure of.

God, our Father. He is our heavenly father and I'm certain He understands our suffering and failing as parents.

I'm sure that He is willing to share His inmense wisdom, if we just care to listen to Him.

“We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
Letters and Papers from Prison

It has been a treasure to be able to pray and ask for guidance. And at the same time this search has made me see God, the Father, in quite a different light.

I could not understand why He would let us suffer. Suffering is a consecuence of the sin, that I know. But why, we, His children, saved by His son Jesus, need to suffer? Even after we have been saved?

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

I cannot say that I know it all. But I think I might have learned a little bit, even though I'm so hard headed and stubborn.

Suffering is necessary and it makes me better and happier person.

Most of us say, well of course suffering makes you a better person. BUT what in earth are you saying? How can suffering make you a happier person?

“We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn,' and I accept it. I've got nothing that I hadn't bargained for. Of curse it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.”

― C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

Because we are called to be happy, to enjoy are life, to be joyfull in God, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!

It's not the circumstances that make us happy but that we put our trust in God no matter what is happening around us and to us.

And this is why suffering can make you happier.

“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape.”
― Charles Dickens,
Great Expectations
In C. S. Lewis' words:

"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself." C. S. Lewis